
Showing posts from November, 2018

For Family, Through Gadgets!

Science is the reason why we have technology. And technology makes our lives easier and faster that can be innovated by each one of us. Gadget is one of the products of technology. The smartphones, tablets, computers are examples of gadgets. We are in generation Z wherein people are depending on technology and we pay too much attention in using our gadgets that we almost forget our daily tasks. Based on a study, most of the population swipes at a gadget equivalent to 20 times around the world a day. We are too attached to our gadgets and to our social media accounts. We connect to other people in social media through the use of our gadgets and of course through the aid of the internet. We can’t deny the fact that we are hooked to our gadgets and we became addicted to it and cannot even resist it. The Filipino- Values Month celebrates this year’s activity with the theme: “Mapanuring Paggamit ng Gadget: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang Ugnayan sa Pamilya at Kapwa.” The theme itself says tha

Books for future!

Train up a child in a way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.                                                        -Proverbs 22:6 It is very evident that most of the educated people do not like reading books. Instead of having a little time to read, they prefer hanging out with their friends or wasting it in using their gadgets. Someone told me that he feels sleepy every time he reads that’s why he spends most of his time in front of his gadgets and doing whatever he wants. According to, reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at meaning. Reading is an active process of constructing meanings of words. Reading with a purpose helps the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention. Although the reasons for reading may vary, the primary purpose of reading is to understand the text. Reading is a thinking process. It allows the reader to use what he or she may already know, a