
Showing posts from July, 2018

State Of the Nation Address 2018

July 23, 2018 was the State of the Nation Address (SONA) of the President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. It is the first time in our country’s history that the speech of our president is an hour delayed due to unnecessary situation. The House of Representative elected a new speaker of the house. Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo was elected and said to be the first woman to be the speaker of the house. The president’s first agenda was war on drugs. He mentioned that he is more concerned in human lives rather than human rights. He also talked about corruption. He values friendship but it has its limits. He is also concerned to the protection of our Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). He wants the implementation of the Coconut Farmers Trust Fund. He tackles the shortage of the rice. What happened to the National Food Authority (NFA). Duterte wants the cooperation of the Filipino people. He will step down as soon as his term of his office will expire. He emphasized the Chart

Organic Farming

People nowadays is no more concerned on the foods they are putting in their stomach. They just wanted to fill up and satisfy their hunger. “Health is wealth,” as they say. Fruits and vegetables plays important part of our daily routine and it must be included in our diet. This year's Nutrition Month, with the theme: "Ugaliing Magtanim,Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin" promotes home gardening in order for the families to practice healthy living with the help of eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.  Why not try to set our mind to eat healthy foods. You don’t need a big space to plant and raise a plant maybe it can be fruits or vegetables. We can do it in our own backyard or even on a pot so that we can have a fresh fruit and vegetables. Why not try also to make an organic fertilizer through biodegradable materials. Teach ourselves to be more productive. There are some seeds of fruits and vegetables that are easy to grow in our own backyard such as papaya, bana

Letter to the President

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte President of the Philippines MalacaƱang Palace, Manila Honorable President, A pleasant day sir! School is considered as the second home of students. We should feel comfortable to the learning institution we are in. the school must be prepared enough in all aspects including learning materials, modules and also in school facilities. As to the population in public schools we are lack of books and classrooms. Writing you a letter is such a great pleasure and I will take this opportunity to ask for your help because our school needs additional books and also renovation of some buildings in different departments to accommodate the huge number of enrollees in our school. As a student of the special program (Special Mathematics Class) of our institution, we are in need of learning materials/ modules for our references in order for us to have a further knowledge about our lessons. Ilocos Sur National High School is truly a home of talented and in

A Century and Two Decades

A century and two decades ago since the Katipunan under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo fought against the Spaniards who colonized our country for more than three centuries. June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo proclaimed the Philippine Independence day, it is the time for us to reflect and compose ourselves what our heroes fought hard for our nation. Philippines may not be 'poverty-free', yet we are experiencing our own freedom to do something without someone pointing a gun in our heads. But some are asking, "Are we free?" Some people may not agree or not satisfied enough to the freedom we have, but yes we are free enough compare to the Filipinos who are being colonized by Spaniards. We have the freedom from fear because we are fearlessly fighting even if it costs our lives to free ourselves from rebels. Marawi siege is the best example of fearless, unfazed,steadfast soldiers who are hoping that peace will reign in Mindanao. We are experiencing our autonomy for we have t