
Another year had just finished and another one starts. Before telling my new year’s resolutions and goals, let me look back on year 2018 experience. 2018 has a lot of challenges which made me suffer from different feelings and emotions such as happiness, sadness, stress, anxiety, and too close to depression. I lost a loved one, ranked down in my academics, and financial problems, are some of the challenges I’ve faced during my 2018. Even though 2018 showcased me some life challenges, I must say that I am really and indeed blessed for God had given me blessings for the entire year.

New Year always means a beginning of a new life series, another year for self-development and another chance to appreciate God's creation. New Year, new me. I did not choose to change myself, but rather I choose to improve myself for the better.  I decided to have my goals for this year, and I came out for the following:

I want to be more productive this year. I want to be confident enough in whatever I do. I will divide my time to achieve my everyday goals and make everything as my priority to finish my work earlier or on time. I want to learn time management for my good.

I will encourage myself to put my faults and failures into my own improvement. I will also seek some opinions from my family and friends and to handle them positively to make my whole being better. I will be more sensitive on what other people will feel about my words and actions. Learning on how to look on their point of view is what I want to learn this year.

This year, I would like to enjoy my life, I want to have my personal time in order for me to have some time for reflection, introspection and especially having time for my family and friends. I want to fill this year with love and open communication with them.

Lastly, I want to strengthen my faith to God and always look on the positive side that I can surpass all challenges He gives because I am the chosen one. Learning how to trust His plans and act according to His will can help us to have a meaningful existence in this world.

 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Photos are not mine, photo credentials to its owners.


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