Christmas Feels!

Sparkling red, green, blue colorful lights, twinkling Christmas lights wrapped around a typical green tree with bells, ribbons, garlands, different hues and shades of Christmas balls and of course, a star on top of it. Boxes of gifts are also placed under the tree that will make children wonder what is inside of it. Shining, shimmering garlands are placed on house decors, a Christmas crèche which has a mini statue of Mother Mary, Joseph, and not to forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas, Jesus Christ.

This is the season to be jolly! Indeed, Christmas feels all the way! Cold air hugging my skin and warm love sending to my friends and loved ones! Christmas songs are heard in malls, houses, radio stations which made us feel that it’s already Christmas.

But Christmas is not about gifts, clothes, food, money, or any material thing. It is not about luxury, but it is about the grace and presence of God. We may not be sure if it is His birth day but Christmas is the day to acknowledge all the blessings and sacrifices that God has given to His creations. Christmas is about sharing or blessings to others, giving love to them. It is because our gratitude and love for God can be expressed through helping, loving and caring for His creation. We celebrate Christmas to commemorate the goodness of God our Savior. It is always up to us if we will remember the day of God. Always remember that we don’t need to wait for the month of December to help, give, forgive, and love others. We can spread the Christmas spirit every day. We can spread love every day, not only every Christmas but also, in our daily living.

Photo Credentials to its owners.


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