Heroes Without Monuments

Image result for teacherThere is a person who is standing in front of us who can sacrifice everything for our own good. There is a person who we do not pay too much attention but still there. There is a person who we get annoyed with because they want is just the best for us. A person who always smiles. A person who has a lot of problems but still cares for us. A person who is 10-in-1, all around type. We often call them ma’am, sir, teacher, tagasuro, maesta, maestro or anything else. But there is one thing that I assure you, they are heroes without monuments but have a huge heart to help and love others.

As a matter of fact, teaching is one of the hardest profession. From the rising of the sun to the sunset, they are thinking the numerous little heads in their class. They are exerting their efforts to give their 101% to share their wisdom and knowledge.
Who knows that the basic 2+2=4 will become (x-4)(x+4)? Our ABC will become a wonderful essays and stories. The DoReMi will become a beautiful song. Education is fundamental. As our grade level increases, the wider field in the study we are learning. In our elementary days, we are studying different poems like “All Things Bright and Beautiful” in our secondary we will witness the love in William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” As cliché it sounds but “Change is the only permanent thing in this world.” Everything will change, but not a teacher’s heart, not a teacher’s love.

Image result for teacherIt is our nature as a student to enter the school with our hard-headed attitude. Every day we can hear the words of discipline of our teachers. I am proud to have teachers in my life, especially Mrs. Elizabeth D. Quitoriano, she always reminds us that “Ubbing, first activity in the morning, agdalos.”, “Spaces ubbing, spaces!”, “I-maintain yo ti kindalus toy classroom yo.” Who expected that we will change our routines because of those words? Discipline, 12 letters, 1 word but hard to learn. It will teach us too be responsible person in every day.

We should not get annoyed to our teachers, all they want is the best for us. Because the “Future you” is the fruit of their love and care today as their second child. If you can read this, thank a teacher! Gurong Filipino: Turo Mo, Kinabukasan Ko!

Photo Credentials to its owners.


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