Let's Go HTML!

Image result for Html“The most important thing that schools can do is not use technology in the curriculum more, but to use it effectively.” –John G. Palfrey 

There is a lot of things to explore in the world of technology. In Information, Communication Technology (ICT) 10 we’ve explored the second stage of our technological learning, the Internet access. From the different after knowing the bandwidths and such things, comes the hardest yet explorable pairing of mark up tags. “Do not be confused in tags, just do the pairing.” Said Mrs. Vera Cruz, our ICT 10 teacher. “That is the technique, just be observant.” She added. As mentioned in a student prayer, “Nothing of worth comes easy.” Every single detail you want to add to your HTML file is a specific pair of tags or code. Maybe confusing yet you must pay too much attention to make an effective HTML file. 

Image result for Html

I am so much excited and looking forward in what the next grading can showcase, but whatever it maybe, I am ready to explore another stage of learning, deeper learning about technology!


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