Nations As One!

Image result for world“Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.” (Psalm 37:5) People often forget that no matter what our status in the society is, every creature living has the right of existence and must be heard and respected.  The poor people always neglected and left behind.

Respect comes from within us, it start within the family, then to the community, our own country, our neighboring country and it will spread throughout the world. Teach the youth to be responsible for their actions. Be aware of what is happening around us. Know your rights and practice it. Our country belongs to the second world and we are far left behind others but let us show them that we are exerting our efforts and knowledge to cope with the situations. Reach out to the poor for sometimes they are the victims of ignorance. Always extend a helping hands to the needy. Do good deeds to others. Surround yourself with good peers. Educate people and let them know their limits. Living with less opportunities is not a hindrance to become a better person. Ignorance of law is not an excuse for every person has the right to be heard and must be given a chance to change. Treat every individual special for we are the highest living creature of God.

Image result for worldLet us make this place a better place to live in. Love thy neighbor. In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone; O God, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8) Respect one another be worthy to our society and be a blessing to others.

Pictures not mine, Photo Credentials to the owners.


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