ISNHS: 117th Year of Excellence

 “Having a goal gives you the reason to wake up every day”
                                             -Atty. Allan B. Barcena
Photo by: Mrs. Myrnalita Abad
Another year of excellence, another year of public service and another year to remember. Ilocos Sur National High School celebrated its 177th foundation day last March 1-2, 2019. Colorful flags, paper fans, bamboo drums and paper flowers are shouting for the highlights of the celebration. Before that an inspiring message from Atty. Allan B. Barcena was delivered.

He told us about the 4 values to success, first is HOPE. It is the ability to look positively, he also mentioned “Having a goal gives you the reason to wake up every day.” We should start setting our goals, our objectives. He gave former US President Barack Obama as an example of it. In the history of United States of America, he was the first black ever elected for the position.

Photo by: Mr. Ryan Villanueva
Second, HARDWORK. He mentioned that talent is not enough, you also have to work hard to achieve something. Here, Kung Fu was given as an example which means time and effort. It is also overcoming barriers and those struggle can create strength which can build our skills and talents.

Third in the list was being HONEST. It is being real with yourself and others. Because of honesty, people will trust and respect you. Abraham Lincon is said to be the foundation of characters, he is one on the honest president of United States.

Photo by: Mr. Ryan Villanueva
HELP others. We can help others through our talent, time, and sharing our skills. Helping others is a universal value or virtue. Atty. Barcena also mentioned that helping others lower the risk of dying. In here, the story of the two patients was given. The blind patient who was lying beside the window tries to cheer up the other patient beside him. He tells the other patient that beyond the window is a paradise-like scenery. The other patient believed because he was unaware that the patient was blind. To top it all, the blind patient showed the virtue of helping others without asking for anything after.

Year level and teaching and non-teaching staffs’ presentations were performed after the speech. Wherein, both grade 8 boys and girls grabbed the crown.

Photo taken by: Mr. Ryan Villanueva
This year’s high school day was quite emotional for me because that might be my last high school day together with my classmates and friends. Weeks from now, we will soon separate ways. But the important is, we enjoyed the celebration and we gave our best in the performance.


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