Set Goals, Be You!

“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in HIM, and HE will act.”
                                                                                                                                                                   -Psalm 37:5
            Each one of us has a goal to achieve in life. We can sometimes hear to other people that “I need to achieve something before I die to make my existence something useful.” We sometimes live for us to prove something to others, to the point we can sacrifice everything- even our own happiness.
There was a time I asked my parents “Mom, dad, when I reach college, what course do you want me to take?” My mom answered me, “You can decide whatever course you want to take. We will support you and we will do anything in order for you to finish the course of your choice.” Those words motivated me to be “someone” in the near future. I will soon to be Atty. Philippe Marie de Jose Rabe, CPA with the help of our Lord! I will use my family, friends, teachers and people who trusted in my capabilities through my journey.
“I don’t dream anymore because they may not really come true afterall….. I have learned to convert my dreams into my personal goals. I set the time and always give my 100% to achieve them.” As Kuya E mentioned in our leadership training in Bagiuo last January. Starting that day, I never dreamed, I started setting my goals.
Photo By: 10-Martinelli
My goals, my future. As a teenager like me, we should have our own plans in our future. Specifically, on what course we will be taking in our tertiary years. Someone told me, “Do not take the path which other people told you to go through, you might fail and be lost. Take the path you want to go and you will see success.” It’s not bad to ask for others opinion, listen to it, learn from it but do not let that opinion to control you and to overcome you. Learn how to balance others’ experience and your personal decisions. And take time to reflect which path you will be taking.
Grab every opportunity and let that be your training ground and be a step towards success. Train yourself and take every day as your leveling up day. Be a smart worker, be yourself.


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