
Showing posts from 2018

Christmas Feels!

Sparkling red, green, blue colorful lights, twinkling Christmas lights wrapped around a typical green tree with bells, ribbons, garlands, different hues and shades of Christmas balls and of course, a star on top of it. Boxes of gifts are also placed under the tree that will make children wonder what is inside of it. Shining, shimmering garlands are placed on house decors, a Christmas crèche which has a mini statue of Mother Mary, Joseph, and not to forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas, Jesus Christ. This is the season to be jolly! Indeed, Christmas feels all the way! Cold air hugging my skin and warm love sending to my friends and loved ones! Christmas songs are heard in malls, houses, radio stations which made us feel that it’s already Christmas. But Christmas is not about gifts, clothes, food, money, or any material thing. It is not about luxury, but it is about the grace and presence of God. We may not be sure if it is His birth day but Christmas is the day to ac

Humanity not only Humans (Aequalitatem)

There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion.                                                                                   -Malala Yousafzai Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It is also the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. Equality recognizes that historically certain groups of people with protected characteristics such as race, disability, sex and sexual orientation have experienced discrimination. As Stephen Curry once mentioned, " I want our girls to grow up knowing that there are no boundaries that can be placed on their futures, period." We should put equality at all times, we should put freedom. Freedom can release some abilities to pursue his own objective. We should give justice to our human rights, we

Children's Worth

“Don’t wait for tomorrow, don’t wait for the future to be a leader, you can start it now.”                                                                                                              -Councilor Joy Benette Orio I thought this year’s Children’s Month Celebration will be just an ordinary month for me like how I celebrated it for the past years, but this year is different. I have given the privilege to join to some activities in the celebration. A Eucharistic Mass was held in Vigan Convention Center last November 19, 2018 as the opening program of the celebration where SSG, Club Officers and some children attended the said activity. As the president of the Mathematics Club, I am too eager to participate in any activities which can enhance my leadership skills and also, to make new friends. I was too happy when the SSG president of our school mentioned to me that there will be a leadership camp for the officers from our school together with the student leaders fr

For Family, Through Gadgets!

Science is the reason why we have technology. And technology makes our lives easier and faster that can be innovated by each one of us. Gadget is one of the products of technology. The smartphones, tablets, computers are examples of gadgets. We are in generation Z wherein people are depending on technology and we pay too much attention in using our gadgets that we almost forget our daily tasks. Based on a study, most of the population swipes at a gadget equivalent to 20 times around the world a day. We are too attached to our gadgets and to our social media accounts. We connect to other people in social media through the use of our gadgets and of course through the aid of the internet. We can’t deny the fact that we are hooked to our gadgets and we became addicted to it and cannot even resist it. The Filipino- Values Month celebrates this year’s activity with the theme: “Mapanuring Paggamit ng Gadget: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang Ugnayan sa Pamilya at Kapwa.” The theme itself says tha

Books for future!

Train up a child in a way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.                                                        -Proverbs 22:6 It is very evident that most of the educated people do not like reading books. Instead of having a little time to read, they prefer hanging out with their friends or wasting it in using their gadgets. Someone told me that he feels sleepy every time he reads that’s why he spends most of his time in front of his gadgets and doing whatever he wants. According to, reading is defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at meaning. Reading is an active process of constructing meanings of words. Reading with a purpose helps the reader to direct information towards a goal and focuses their attention. Although the reasons for reading may vary, the primary purpose of reading is to understand the text. Reading is a thinking process. It allows the reader to use what he or she may already know, a

Let's Go HTML!

“The most important thing that schools can do is not use technology in the curriculum more, but to use it effectively.” –John G. Palfrey  There is a lot of things to explore in the world of technology. In Information, Communication Technology (ICT) 10 we’ve explored the second stage of our technological learning, the Internet access. From the different after knowing the bandwidths and such things, comes the hardest yet explorable pairing of mark up tags. “Do not be confused in tags, just do the pairing.” Said Mrs. Vera Cruz, our ICT 10 teacher. “That is the technique, just be observant.” She added. As mentioned in a student prayer, “Nothing of worth comes easy.” Every single detail you want to add to your HTML file is a specific pair of tags or code. Maybe confusing yet you must pay too much attention to make an effective HTML file.  I am so much excited and looking forward in what the next grading can showcase, but whatever it maybe, I am ready to explore another stage of

Nations As One!

“Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.” (Psalm 37:5) People often forget that no matter what our status in the society is, every creature living has the right of existence and must be heard and respected.   The poor people always neglected and left behind. Respect comes from within us, it start within the family, then to the community, our own country, our neighboring country and it will spread throughout the world. Teach the youth to be responsible for their actions. Be aware of what is happening around us. Know your rights and practice it. Our country belongs to the second world and we are far left behind others but let us show them that we are exerting our efforts and knowledge to cope with the situations. Reach out to the poor for sometimes they are the victims of ignorance. Always extend a helping hands to the needy. Do good deeds to others. Surround yourself with good peers. Educate people and let them know their limits. Living with le

Heroes Without Monuments

There is a person who is standing in front of us who can sacrifice everything for our own good. There is a person who we do not pay too much attention but still there. There is a person who we get annoyed with because they want is just the best for us. A person who always smiles. A person who has a lot of problems but still cares for us. A person who is 10-in-1, all around type. We often call them ma’am, sir, teacher, tagasuro, maesta, maestro or anything else. But there is one thing that I assure you, they are heroes without monuments but have a huge heart to help and love others. As a matter of fact, teaching is one of the hardest profession. From the rising of the sun to the sunset, they are thinking the numerous little heads in their class. They are exerting their efforts to give their 101% to share their wisdom and knowledge. Who knows that the basic 2+2=4 will become (x-4)(x+4)? Our ABC will become a wonderful essays and stories. The DoReMi will become a beautiful song.

Generation Technology!

Technology is advancing so fast. Different kinds of gadgets is spreading like a mushroom. From the moment you wake up in the morning up in the bedtime we are attached to our cellphone and computers. It seems like gadgets are the things we can’t live without. Even the first world or the richest one are depending their business transaction through technology. Everyone has an access to the computer world, the rich and the poor, young and old. We must use this technology to enhance your potential and knowledge. We must be wise and responsible individuals to use it for our advancement. Every opportunity counts so develop whatever skills and talents in technology you have for everybody is given an equal chance and market it through internet.  We must be thankful for today’s invention. It helps us in our daily routine. The fastest you can ever imagine, one click of your fingers that’s what you call technology. We must thank the Creator for He has given us this kind of wisdom to invent